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    020 3576 5296
    Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
    (New enquiries only)

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    HCA UK Outpatients & Diagnostics The Shard, 32 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9BS

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Home | FAQ's | Do I need to be referred by my GP or doctor?

Do I need to be referred by my GP or doctor?

Do I need to be referred by my GP or doctor?

For most procedures at London Bridge Orthopaedics, you will need to ask your GP or local doctor to refer you to one of our Consultants. He or she will then give you a card to contact our GP Liaison Department to book your consultation.

For further information on making an appointment, please click here. We employ some of the leading private Orthopaedic Consultants and specialists in the UK. Find a Consultant easily by visiting our ‘Meet the Team‘ page.

Our specialties

We cover all the subspecialty areas of orthopaedics

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