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    Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
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    HCA UK Outpatients & Diagnostics The Shard, 32 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9BS

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Home | FAQ's | What happens if I need an operation?

What happens if I need an operation?

What happens if I need an operation?

If surgery is needed, your Consultant will explain the procedure and what you can expect to happen. You will then either be discharged, provided with a personalised treatment plan or booked in for surgery as appropriate. For further details on what you can expect before you are admitted for surgery and during your hospital stay, please Click here.

Our specialties

We cover all the subspecialty areas of orthopaedics

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Bunions are a majour source of pain for many people.

Bunions: What You Need To Know

‘Beauty is painful’ so the saying goes and bunions are certainly no exception. Bunions are painful bumps at the joint of the big toe and occur when the big toe is leaning inwards too much. This is caused by a variety ...
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