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Home | LBO News | Mr James Bliss & Mr Sam Singh Presents Educational Talk to Physiotherapists

Mr James Bliss & Mr Sam Singh Presents Educational Talk to Physiotherapists

Mr James Bliss & Mr Sam Singh Presents Educational Talk to Physiotherapists

Our orthopaedic knee surgeon Mr James Bliss and our foot and ankle surgeon Mr Sam Singh delivered a detailed educational talk to a group of physiotherapists from the boardroom of the London Bridge Orthopaedics’ headquarters at The Shard, London.

Mr James Bliss, talking on similar lines to an event given to physiotherapists at Pure Sports Medicine in the City of London on April 5th, discussed a wide range of issues and various treatments physios are likely to come across in relation to the knee. 

Subjects included were: the advances in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction surgery, what defines a successful ligament reconstruction, what surgeons can do to improve the outcome for an ACL reconstruction, Lateral Capsular Injuries, to Managing Meniscal tears and MAT. 

Mr Sam Singh delivered an interactive session, discussing the various special tests that physiotherapists can use for the ankle. Other topics discussed included Anterior Ankle Impingement, Footballers Ankle, Ankle Instability and Morton’s Neuroma.

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