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    020 3576 5296
    Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
    (New enquiries only)

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    HCA UK Outpatients & Diagnostics The Shard, 32 St Thomas Street, London SE1 9BS

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Home | FAQ's | How do I pay for treatment?

How do I pay for treatment?

How do I pay for treatment?

You can pay for your own treatment or, if you are covered, you can claim this on your private medical insurance. We are also now offering Self-Pay Care Packages, which allow you to confirm in advance exactly how much treatment will cost. To find out if your treatment is available under a Self-Pay Care package, or for a no obligation estimate, contact us on +44 (0)20 7234 2948.

For further details about paying for treatment at London Bridge Orthopaedics, follow the links below:

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We cover all the subspecialty areas of orthopaedics

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